Archives par mot-clé : interdisciplinarity

A Review on interdisciplinary methods for the characterization of thermal perception in public spaces

We are pleased to announce that our oral communication for the international conference CISBAT19 is now published the special issu of the Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

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Reflections on Interdisciplinary Methods for Studying the effects of Thermo-spatial Perception in the public space

Coolscapes is a research project based on an interdisciplinary approach to the thermo-spatial perception of the public space. From our point of view, understanding the manifold phenomena that influence citizens’ thermal perception requires gathering together divers disciplinary research methods. Although research fields such as microclimatology, sensory studies, environmental psychology, cognitive sciences or urban studies deal with the thermal experience outdoors and contribute to knowledge, mixing their methods can lead to new methodological designs in which “the weaknesses inherent in one method, can be compensated by making use of the other method that is assumed not to have the same weaknesses” (Deschepper et al., 2017).

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